Build Instructions
Welcome to my spaghetti
- Create /app/src/main/java/com/arn/scrobble/Tokens.kt
package com.arn.scrobble object Tokens { const val LAST_KEY = "" // const val LAST_SECRET = "" const val ACR_HOST = "" // const val ACR_KEY = "" const val ACR_SECRET = "" // const val SPOTIFY_REFRESH_TOKEN = "<base64 of spotify client id>:<base64 of spotify client secret>" // returns {"code": 0, "message": "valid"} if the license is valid, this spec is subject to change const val LICENSE_CHECKING_SERVER = "https://" // used to verify the license const val LICENSE_PUBLIC_KEY_BASE64 = "" const val APK_SIGNATURE = "" const val PLAY_BILLING_PUBLIC_KEY_BASE64 = "" const val EMBEDDED_SERVER_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD = "" // password for the embedded https server BKS keystore, used for importing settings over local network }
Remove or comment out the lines below
// remove if not needed
in app/build.gradle.kts and /build.gradle.kts -
Create app/version.txt and put a positive integer in it. This will be your app version code. The version name will be derived from this.
Create a Firebase project for Crashlytics and add google-services.json. See
Create a BKS keystore for the embedded https server with the password EMBEDDED_SERVER_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD and alias selfsigned. Put it in /app/src/main/res/raw/embedded_server_bks.bks
- Obtain now playing notification strings and their translations by decompiling the resources of the Android System Intelligence apk with ApkTool and then running py-scripts/ on them.
Usage: python ./ <decompiled-dir> song_format_string np
for scrobbling Pixel Now Playing.
Alternatively, you can use this as a stub in strings.xml
<string name="song_format_string">%1$s by %2$s</string>
- If you want to generate the optional baseline profile for the app, which can improve its startup time,
create a file
:object Secrets { const val type = "lastfm" const val username = "<lastfmUsername>" const val sessionKey = "<lastfmSessionKey>" }
sessionKey can be obtained by logging in to LastFM with a debug build of this app and tapping on the “Copy session key” in the settings.