Build Instructions
Welcome to my spaghetti
- Create composeApp/src/commonMain/kotlin/com/arn/scrobble/Tokens.kt
package com.arn.scrobble object Tokens { const val LAST_KEY = "" // const val LAST_SECRET = "" const val ACR_HOST = "" // const val ACR_KEY = "" const val ACR_SECRET = "" // const val SPOTIFY_REFRESH_TOKEN = "<base64 of spotify client id>:<base64 of spotify client secret>" // returns {"code": 0, "message": "valid"} if the license is valid, this spec is subject to change const val LICENSE_CHECKING_SERVER = "https://" // used to verify the license const val LICENSE_PUBLIC_KEY_BASE64 = "" const val PLAY_BILLING_PUBLIC_KEY_BASE64 = "" const val EMBEDDED_SERVER_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD = "" // password for the embedded https server BKS keystore, used for importing settings over local network }
Remove or comment out the lines below
// remove if not needed
in composeApp/build.gradle.kts and /build.gradle.kts -
Create a Firebase project for Crashlytics and add google-services.json. See
Create a BKS keystore for the embedded https server used for the import/export feature over local network, with the password EMBEDDED_SERVER_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD and alias selfsigned. Put it in composeApp/src/commonMain/composeResources/files/embedded_server.bks
- Obtain now playing notification strings and their translations by decompiling the resources of the Android System Intelligence apk with ApkTool and then running py-scripts/ on them.
Usage: python ./ <decompiled-dir> song_format_string np
for scrobbling Pixel Now Playing.
Alternatively, you can use this as a stub in strings.xml
<string name="song_format_string">%1$s by %2$s</string>
To generate the licenses file, run
composeApp:exportLibraryDefinitions -PaboutLibraries.exportPath=src/commonMain/composeResources/files/ -PaboutLibraries.exportVariant=release
To copy some android specific strings to android resources, from common resources, run the gradle task
If you want to generate the optional baseline profile for the app, which can improve its startup time, create a file
:object Secrets { const val type = "lastfm" const val username = "<lastfmUsername>" const val sessionKey = "<lastfmSessionKey>" }
sessionKey can be obtained by logging in to LastFM with a debug build of this app and tapping on the “Copy session key” in the settings screen.